

About the PAA Legacy Trust

About us

The Trust was set up in 2018 to manage the proceeds from the wind up of the Professional Advisers Association NZ (PAA) after a number of Adviser professional body members came together under Financial Advice NZ.  

The Trust fund is largely made up of funds from the sale of a number of holiday homes owned by the PAA after the holiday home scheme ceased to be viable and the Members approved their sale.

The broad purpose of the Trust is to support a range of organisations, individuals and charities with grants towards promoting and facilitating the education of Financial Advisers and the benefits of Financial Advice for New Zealanders.  Click here to see a more detailed outline of the purposes of the Trust.

The first two grants made by the Trust were in 2020 to:

  • Financial Advice NZ to fund a research project to explore the awareness and value of financial advice. The report called ‘Trust in Advice’ from this research is now released and can be viewed here.

  • Life Info towards the upgrade of their website a not-for-profit which provides information, facts and education on life insurance and personal risk financial planning for New Zealanders.